All replicas are made to order and AncientCraft will dispatch your item(s) as soon as practicably possible. Replica's will normally be sent to you in under 40 working days. International orders are generally received in under 60 days.
These replicas are for display purposes only and must not be reproduced or replicated without written consent. Please make sure you've read our full terms and conditions before purchasing our replicas.
Mesolithic Flint Blades
Flint blades were vital in the Mesolithic for cutting tools, projectiles, harpoons and more. Any site with evidence of Mesolithic activity will have blades or blade based tools on.5 x mesolithic blades are supplied.
Approximately 4-8cm in length
In order for me to appropriately tailor the replica to best suit your needs, It is important for me to understand what you wish to use the replica for.