All replicas are made to order and AncientCraft will dispatch your item(s) as soon as practicably possible. Replica's will normally be sent to you in under 40 working days. International orders are generally received in under 60 days.
These replicas are for display purposes only and must not be reproduced or replicated without written consent. Please make sure you've read our full terms and conditions before purchasing our replicas.
Prehistoric Pigment Shells
Self expression through art has been considered a very human trait. People in prehistory made portable sculptures and scratched outlines on to cave walls. They also used natural pigments such as ochre to add colour to their depictions, which were often of animals in caves such as Lascaux or Chauvet in France, or Altamira in Spain.
These Pigment Shells use red ochre and yellow ochre, mixed with resin that make them perfect for handling objects as they avoid pigment mess & staining.
In order for me to appropriately tailor the replica to best suit your needs, It is important for me to understand what you wish to use the replica for.