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V-Perforated Buttons
Personal ornamentation of bangles, belt rings and buttons have been found from the early Bronze Age. These buttons were made using a variety of materieals from bone (Folkton), Kimmerage oil shale (Upton Lovell), Whitby jet (Calais Wold), canel and amber (Wilsford-cum-Lake). They were expensive dress accessories for display and would have been made by highly skilled craftsworkers.
The listed button is made from Kimmerage Shale and its decoration is based on an example found in a grave pit beneath a cairn at Harehope in Peeblesshire.
*Please enquire for pricing of Bone, Whitby Jet or Amber.
*If you require a different style of decoration to the button depicted, please reference this in the order notes.
Button base diameter: Approx 4-5cm